Posted Friday, Nov 12, 2021
The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that nearly 70 percent of the U.S. population lives in snowy regions, which receive more than five inches of average snowfall annually.
Each year, more than 116,800 people are injured in vehicle crashes in the snow.
In Central New York, we can usually expect to receive more snow than the national averages. And unfortunately, that means higher risk for accidents as well.
At CNY Drives, we want to ensure you can safely and confidently get to your destination, even during critical weather. Read our tips below to find out the five more important safety tips when driving in the snow and winter conditions.
Keep to the right! Did you know that a large percentage of licensed drivers traveling the roads are not aware that the left lane is for passing?
While those of us who took Drivers Education in High School are aware of this, there are a lot of folks unaware that there are "fast lanes" and "slow lanes." When you are on a highway with multiple lanes traveling in the same direction, the lane furthest to the left is only for passing. Maintaining travel in this lane is unlawful and unkind. When traveling, use the right line or middle lane, and save the left lane for passing a car traveling at a lower speed.
Let's minimize road rage and keep everyone safer. If you are in the left lane and someone is behind you, and they seem frustrated, put your blinker on, wait five seconds, and change lanes.
Have a happy and safe winter season, folks!